Julie Myrah is the founder and President of J Myrah Environmental, LLC. Founded in early 2020 we are a 100% Women-Owned Small Business, Small Business (Micro/PW), and CUCP/DOT Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE #48356).
Located in Lodi, California, we provide quality environmental consulting services to our clients using project specific strategic solutions to overcome environmentally related challenges.
We have over 19 years of experience researching and analyzing environmental issues, as well as, managing projects and programs related to environmental compliance.
Formerly with the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans), Julie brings a wealth of knowledge related to both state and federal environmental processes. She has successfully met environmental milestones for over a thousand projects over the past two decades for a variety of programs including the Federal-Aid Local Assistance program, Highway Maintenance, Minor program, Field Maintenance, Encroachment Permits, Emergency Director’s Orders, Maintenance Contract for Delivery and Capital STIP/SHOPP programs. She has also provided guidance and input on Intergovernmental Reviews and Transportation Concept Reports. In addition, Julie also spent many years at Caltrans as a Biologist conducting numerous Section 7 consultations with federal resource agencies.
Julie has a Bachelors degree in Biology from Sonoma State University.